Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rain Rain, GO AWAY!!

Well, after a short 3 hours at the US Open, play was suspended due to a down pour of rain. And there is no end of the continuing rain in sight!

Puddles formed on some fairways, too, most notably at the 18th hole, which is built on a swamp. The 18th green, which is elevated, was virtually underwater when play was suspended.
The poor drainage at No. 18 -- it has had to handle nearly 30 days of rain since the beginning of May -- could provide an interesting wrinkle at the end of this championship.

USGA rules do not allow for a U.S. Open champion to be crowned in fewer than 72 holes, so play will continue until all four rounds can be completed. That means a Tuesday or Wednesday finish is not out of the question, especially considering the USGA was expecting rain through the weekend and into next week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bandon Dunes or Bust!

Bandon Dunes, Oregon

I have always heard of this nice, expensive golf course on the Oregon coast, Bandon Dunes. I heard it was right on the ocean, and it was a Scottish links course. I have always loved the links courses.

Today, I stumbled over some pictures of it on the website. OH MY GOSH!!!! What a beautiful course! Rated #2 in the Top 100 Public Golf Courses in America! The green fee is a small $225, but, God willing, I am going to play that course before I die!


Monday, June 08, 2009

Winner of the 2009 Memorial

Great job, Tiger Woods! Way to finish the tournement at -12!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Ancient Golf book

If you get a chance, go to Google and type and take a look at "Golf: A Royal and Ancient Game." It was published in 1875. Very interesting point of view and history of the game.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Tip of the day...

I have a tip that can take 5 strokes off anyone’s golf game...

It’s called an eraser :)


-It's funny... the cleaner I keep my game, the better I play.

I remember the last round I played, I was playing a slight dog leg left. I pulled my tee shot to the right. From the tee box, it looked irretrievable. So, I teed up a provisional and killed it about 250 yards straight. I was soooo temped to pretend I could not find my first ball. However, there it was, sitting up nicely, but behind a tree. I thought about it and decided to play the first one. I punched it out and it landed on the green- and I two-putted it for par.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Tip Of the Day

Taken from Harvey Penick's Little Red Book

BACKSPIN-An average golfer was pestering Tommy Armour to teach him how to put backspin on his iron shots.

The obvious answer is that if you hit the ball solidly, the loft of the club will put backspin on it. But this was too simple. The average golfer was sure Tommy must know some secret that made a good middle-iron shot land on the green and dance backward.

Finally Tommy said, "Let me ask you something. When you hit an approach shot from 140 yards or so, are you usually past the pin, or are you usually short of it?"

"I'm nearly always short of the pin," the average golfer replied.

"Then what do you need with backspin?" Tommy said.

-I love this short story of backspin. I, we, tend to over think golf sometimes. I have to remind myself from time to time to just let it come naturally. That's usually when I break 100...
