Saturday, June 18, 2005

Record breaker

Well folks, I went golfing and got wet. But it was worth it, because I got the best score I''ve ever gotten in the 12 times I've golfed. On a par 27 I got 30!!! Two holes were Birdies! Thanks to a new technique I've learned. I thought about where it is that I pick up the most strokes... and I realized it's with my pitching wedge. I can get it straight, but it often rolls right past the hole and keeps going. So that's what I've been working on is "bump and run" let it roll to the hole.. and it went in twice for birdes and once for par! Well, until next time fellow family and friend, and golfers!


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Here we go again.

Well, depending on the weather, Alan and I are going to hit the sticks again today... if it is just sprinkling, then we might go to Bowyers... if it's clear, then Hartwood... what a great course. Wish me and Alan luck.. and hopefully Jason can join us sometime! And I hope to get some pics sometime soon..


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Hartwood Part II

Well, I ended up with the same score as the first time. I did worse on my short game, by my putting improved, so that's what saved me from getting a higher score. Good ol' Alan kept right up with me, eventually tieing at the end. Great job Alan! Well... like anyone reads this anyways.... till next time.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Well, I hope to be able to go out and hit some sticks with Alan C. this thur. eve. I would like to go back to Hartwood. I'll let you all know how it went. And we have a gig this weekend for Alans retirement party. Looking forward to that! Take care now!


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Golfing at Hartwood

Well, what a great day yesterday. Me, Alan, Curt, Steve and three of his friends went to Hartwood Golf Course. I was very impressed with the course. 7- par 3's and 2-par 4's. My score was 43, which is ok, I wanted to det in the 40's due to the fact that I have never been on this course. We all did great though, and it was a beautiful day. It's amazing how much more of a course you get when you pay $2 more. I think I'll be back there more often. Until next time.... have a great day!


Golfing at Hartwood

Well, what a great day yesterday. Me, Alan, Curt, Steve and three of his friends went to Hartwood Golf Course. I was very impressed with the course. 7- par 3's and 2-par 4's. My score was 43, which is ok, I wanted to det in the 40's due to the fact that I have never been on this course. We all did great though, and it was a beautiful day. It's amazing how much more of a course you get when you pay $2 more. I think I'll be back there more often. Until next time.... have a great day!
